jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

happy halloween.

I've never really been celebrating Halloween which has something to do with that I'm not from the States. Living in Peru is no excuse. For both E and I it has been a busy week. We've finally bought the floor for the kitchen and we're going to buy our new refrigerator. Also Wednesday night we became officially engaged. Now, tomorrow is puente which means weekend trip to Cajamarca! 

After almost two months since I stepped off the plane in Trujillo, and I couldn't be more happy. Also this week has been a week of "the good deeds". The other day E and I went to the cemetery to visit his dad. The reality of life hits, when kids have to work at the cemetery, so I gave the two kids a sol each. Tuesday at lunchtime E and I went to our casera to eat our 5 soles menu, when a man came out asking for a meal. Normally people would ask for money, but this man asked directly for a meal. So E and I spent 5 soles to do something good for him.

Happy Halloween!

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

being an expat is cool... but not easy.

I must admit that I definitely love being an expat and I would love to travel a lot more. And some may think that being an expat is like living a fairy tale. But somehow the boring everyday life we all know so well, will hunt you down even if you're living abroad. Some days are filled with excitement, new friends, great parties, memories and adventure, but for those days where these things seem to be almost non-existent, can be rather depressing. 

Considering this topic, I stumbled upon an interesting article on the Internet which inspired me to write this post. Why expat life not always is a smooth ride. And I'm actually surprised of how long it actually takes to adjust. As my cuñada (she has been living in Paris for 12 years) said, that the 1st year is the hardest year. It's about how to survive a new culture, a new language while making new friends. We, as expats can recognize that the key is making new friends. Loneliness can lead to depression which is according to the article very normal for expats. (I would love to know the experiences from other expats).
 Now, my problem is this:

And to be honest, after my first month in Peru and I'm tired of going to birthday parties of acquitances of E. It's just not me. When I lived in Barcelona this caused me a lot of problems because of people (read - mainly Peruvians) didn't understand the person I am. With the result of chisme. I guess I'm just very disappointed about the society.

Oh, did I mention my new project...
No, I'm not religious and will never be it, though I do believe in acceptance and tolerance. Well, I've made some new friends in an Evangelic church (my neighbours from Iquitos). They are going to make a play which "we" will be performing in Aventura Plaza Mall in Trujillo. And I'm scared!! Since I'm going to have the lead... and in the public. But another important thing for expats is to be open minded and I do believe in challenges and opportunities.

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

on-line takeaway in peru has never been easier

 Are you also an expat living in Peru or another Latin American country? Do you want to explore the Peruvian flavors or are you into something more familiar? Do you live in Lima, but don’t know where to go find the best food? Don’t worry! Hellofood has the answer. If you are living in Peru, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia or Venezuela you can order your dinner or lunch on-line on hellofood.com

Who is Hellofood?

Hellofood is a young team of entrepreneurs with a simple philosophy; it has to be fun, quick and easy to order your food on-line. With their affiliate Foodpanda and with hundreds of restaurants they are making it possible.
Hellofood is a part of Rocket Internet GmbH, and has been in Peru for almost a year. They are still growing and every day more and more restaurants become a part of the on-line platform, so you as the consumer will be able to order whatever you might be looking for; from Sushi to Pizza or the Peruvian classics like Ceviche and Pollo a la Brasa.
Some of Peru’s most popular fastfood restaurants such as 

And you can order directly from you PC or even from your mobile on the go with Android and iOS. (You can get the app on Google Play for Android and the App Store for iOS). And it’s easy!

1)     Enter your location. (Districts in Lima only).
2)      Choose restaurants.
3)      Choose your payment method. (Pay on-line with credit card, PayPal or the traditional way).
4)       Enjoy!

If you are an expat living outside the States or Europe, but don’t live in Latin America, don’t worry. Hellofood is a platform with a great geographical range and is available in 40 countries worldwide.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

just not my luck #2

Well, yesterday wasn’t my day. Either. Actually I’d rather say that it was that moment in my life were I was most embarrassed of myself. Though I just couldn’t help it. After lunch, E and I decided to go for our weekly shopping. We are about to finish the bathroom and starting with the kitchen (wuhuu so excited!) So we decided to start en Sodimac to see what stuff they had for the kitchen. And suddenly I began to feel really bad. Like really bad in the word “sick”. I was actually thinking that I was going to…ehm.. puke. But I didn’t expect that it would come so fast. I was actually thinking that I would be able to go to the bathroom. But nope.
So after Sodimac we went to Tottus. And I said to E that I was probably going to vomit because I felt sick. But that I could wait till we had paid the groceries. It turns out that I just couldn’t. Standing in the line vomiting and making a fool out of my self. I must find a new place to do my weekly shopping.

just not my luck #1

Well, story of my life. I have never been lucky with my suitcases. I’ve never given much thought of the possibility of losing my luggage while travelling, but somehow Air Europa thought that it was time to change that. So they left my luggage in Madrid for a week. Can anyone please tell me why it can take a week finding a suitcase and another week to return a call??! Anyway, after a week, they finally call with the news of having found my luggage in Madrid and will send it directly to Lima. Oh, that’s great, right? But then one of a traveller’s nightmares came true. They call from the airport in Lima telling me that I had to go to Lima to get it. Because they can’t *read will not* send it to Trujillo as Air Europa promised me at the time I arrived. That time, almost two weeks had passed. Frustrated and sad about the luggage incident, and after a lot of discussions with Air Europa in Spain and in Lima they eventually send me an e-mail telling me that they will send it to Trujillo. Almost after 3 weeks! How can it take these so long??!
I was not able to go all the way to Lima. Explaining, or rather crying over it on the phone, that it would take me about 11 hours from Trujillo to Lima and back and the cost.. I don’t even want to think about it. But they eventually sent it. I just picked it up in the airport of Trujillo. (Seriously guys, it’s the smallest, no, tiniest airport ever seen!)
So I was pretty feliz about having my stuff back. Also even though that they have pretty much broken my suitcase..
What’s your worst travel incident? Share!

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Dating a Peruvian #2

Oh, so you thought that I was done with Dating a Peruvian? Hopefully I will never end dating E. And if I do so it will be because we can be called husband and wife. I'm not sure whether or not marriage counts as dating.
The biggest ”latino-issue” of all time is the mamá's boy-syndrome. This issue has been causing me a lot of trouble, but in the moment it's not that bad.

The next biggest issue is their way of mocking other people. Well matter in fact that it's a more general issue. Though I find it not very surprising that the women are those with the biggest trust issues and their chisme makes you depressed. ¡No me aguanto!
But luckily I'm with E. And I wouldn't change that. In other words I find it akward as half-Chilean to date a Peruvian. But E … is just special.


Dating a Peruvian #1

I remember that when I was younger I always said that I never wanted to get married neither have those little creatures, called children. And thinking about that statement seems like pure stupidity now since I'm with E. I never thought that I would be with a Latino because of my Chilean father. But after my dear prima told me that she used to say that she didn't want to be married to a Chilean. She is now married to a Chilean and has 3 children, I realize the meaning of never say never. (Without sounding like a Justin Bieber song).
Anyway, my life basically changed when I met E. And this post should rather be called: ”Internet”-dating a Peruvian. In matter of fact even if it sounds really crazy but being an Internet couple for a year really worked for us. And there has never been any akward moments between E and I when we met in real life, as it tends to happen. Besides I would love to put down in words how it really is to be dating a Peruvian. Since dating a Latino can be challenging for an European young woman.

#1. Machistas. Well, I think I've found one of the few who isn't machista. I'm not a feminist AT ALL. But both shall be treated equally.

#2. Language. No offense, but Hispanics (outside the States) are not good at speaking English. This can be a problem in the communication when the families are going to meet, at the same time very entertaining!

#3. Making new friends. Seriuously, señores I think this is a huge issue. Just because a girl has a friend who is a guy doesn't mean that she is going to leave you. This issue is more an issue of trust. And sometimes it is possible that a girl and a guy can remain friends. Have you ever seen MTV's Friendzone? But then again... this is if you are thinking like an European.

#4. Drinking. Not to say that this is an issue of E, but Latinos drink a lot of beer. The Europeans about Latinos: the men drink beer, watching soccer and reading the paper y nada más. I've never seen before people who fill up the refrigerator with beers only and the morning after you see only 2 beers. (To be honest I don't like the most of E's friends in Peru. Because I know when they're together they will be drinking...too much.) I'm not sure if this is just my own issue of people who drinks.

#5. Well. I must admit that I have got myself a latinlover. Haha. But serious. There is something about that word that is true. Though the word really makes my think of the 90s hit Latinlover by Loona.
2 months left! I'm overloaded with excitement!

Those days of graduation...

It's summer, or not if you consider the weather, only in the calendar. I can't believe that for a year ago I graduated high school and I enjoyed the time where I was walking around with my hat and feeling like someone. That time is sadly over. It goes so fast. Well, too fast in my opinion.
This year is no exception. Recently graduated young Danes everywhere. Hats with red and blue stripes. And I can't help feeling such a nostalgia. Really. And they are so drunk that they seem to be the most stupid people like ever. And so annoying. In Denmark we have this tradition where one of the days after the last examn, where we recieve our hat, the precious hat! Alle the classmates are going on this special and most drunk trip in a wagon. With the music so loud that it should be illegal. But it's a great celebration after 2-3 years in high school.

These days, I'm filled up with nostalgia.

¡Esto es una locura!

The most exciting point in my life right now, is to be honestly * read: embarrassed *, my job. I think I've always been blind when it comes to numbers. I never really understood maths in school. In high school I didn't pass the examn. So with these words you can without problems assume that I hated maths and I'm not good at it. Not only is it challenging but it's really giving me problems. With the fear of getting fired or something... and I also experienced clients making fun of me counting the amount of money. I'm so embarrassed about my issue and I have the constant fear of getting fired because I know that it's totally logical that you have to be good at math to work in a shop. But that is not my case. So * sorry my language * fucking it up everyday at work when ending my shift, I'm starting getting a little worried.

But everyday I meet the most fucked up clients. Really. The other day a man came in, I just need to say that all week in the afternoons I've been alone in the shop. The queue of clients were about to reach the entrance to the shop. Then this crazy dude tells me that there is water in the gas *I'm working at a gas station * And I'm like una monja en una disco and I didn't know what to say. The feeling of being pissed of the way he actually talked to me was starting to be clear. So I called my boss and asked what to do. The man claimed that he wanted to have back his money for the gas he bought. But how come? He just came from the streets, walking. The idiot didn't have a car!(Or at least he was stupid enough not to bring it) So since he was full of **** I assume he wanted the money.

Anyway, the day after a man came to rent a trailer. And he delivered later than he should, which means that the client had to pay a little extra, and insignificant amount of money. But the man didn't want to pay, so he has been complaining about me and one of the bosses. I feel bad about it though I did the right thing. As a cashier I must provide a good customer service but when the clients are rude I don't feel like helping them at all.

Oh, and who should have thought that I was going to use my Spanish in Denmark? Certainly not me.

What did just happen there.


Realizing that my time in Denmark is coming to an end, the less sad I am. Even for me this sounds mean. But somehow I'm also evaluating the las 4 months. I must say that these 4 months I have been spending all on my own has been very hard. Not because I'm not able to take care of myself. But the loneliness is a killer. I'm not doing anything but work 40 hours a week, sleep, eat when I have money and time for it and read.

For a couple of days ago I was texting with my sister, V. And I honestly told her that I was angry that they hadn't been there for me when I actually needed it the most. Which kind of makes me feel more relieved since I'm about to leave. And as I said to my friends and family I won't be coming back at all. And as usual they ask: ”what if you and E will split up”? Well, in a relationship you always have to be taking chances if you are serious about it. And to be honest, if we had split up, we would have done it a long time ago. The past 2 years of my life I've spent talking with E each day. Since we had all the odds against us I think we have are doing fine. I get it, people don't understand how we can manage having a relationship like that. But suddenly things are getting complicated when you're dating a foreigner.

Somehow I feel that the price of trying to find happiness and my adventure in Barcelona has been very high. Either I think I would have been changing my mind at all. I've lost people in my life, only few have been there during all the time. And I just want to say thanks to these people, though they never understood my desire for living abroad. It also hurts to know that soon I'll be leaving my own family behind to start a new life with E. But I'm so thrilled when thinking about all the adventures I will have in Peru with him. I'm sick of boredom and routine.

Life is worth living.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

los días del verano.

I was hoping for a nicer and warmer weather here in Denmark. But as usual it's raining. For every year, less summer. Anyway, this summer I will do nothing but work. I'm currently living in a room with... hold on. Without TV, Internet, kitchen. And a smell of 20 years of smoking.

And there are only 72 days left... Wuhuu!

Oh, and don't forget to follow Claude on Bloglovin'!

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

2 years.

In 2011 a funny love story started on the Internet. To be more specific, E actually sent me a message from Amistarium.com (I think it was, and was totally hidden in my 1000 other mails, and I had forgotten all about it.) I don't think that I had read E's message through, because then he added me on Facebook.
When we started our relationship I was such a pessimist. I thought that it would only last for like a month. And surprisingly he said that he would come and visit me in Denmark. I was thinking "they all say that". But he actually came to Denmark after 3 months. And my friends asked me if it wasn't awkward our first meeting. But honestly, it wasn't. Anyway, after I graduated high school in June last year, I decided to go to Spain to be with E. I don't think that many would do that. Nor many would have a relationship like ours. Also, many people think that it's stupidity to have found someone on the Internet. Mostly it is, but I guess I was lucky enough to find my mr. Right.

So our life in Barcelona was amazing besides living with his mother. And now 2 years have gone so fast. We're are sure that we will be together. So we will say "sí quiero" in January 2014 in Trujillo!

viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

Getting Francophile...

Seriously. I know I have this huge Peruvian adventure coming up and I'm very excited about it. But I'm getting more and more Francophile. I've cancelled my trip to Paris because... Well I've heard once somewhere that there is no excuse not to travel.. But I need to have some money *read a lot* when I'm in Barcelona and in Peru. 

But my desire to experience the City of Light or Provence or just go to France for the first time ever is making me pretty impulsive. But cooling down a little in the heat, I need to think a bit more reasonable. And I need to think about Barcelona, Peru and a wedding to come. So here I'm fighting against the francophile side of me. But I'm sure that if I go back to Europe some day I will go to France. Though I'm not sure if E will be keen on that. Since none of us speak French. Well, E doesn't even speak English. Ha ha.

I'm so francophile in the moment that I've hidden away all my expectations about Peru. And I'm trying to put myself together, just a little, to try find the necessary information of the paperwork to come. ¡Viva la burocracia! ... what to expect. Apparently NO ONE knows where to find a translator in Trujillo. I don't hope that I have to go to Lima to have my paperwork done there. Because it's too ridiculous. Even for me.

Even if the City of Light is a broken dream in the moment, I know that another ocasion to drink champagne, eat croissants and macarons and see the Eiffel Tower while the words Je t'aime come out of my mouth, will be back. I just don't hope that I have becomed a real señora in Peru meanwhile.

El Prat de Llobregat-incident.

Or in other words: the airport-incident. Here it comes as promised. I still remember it as yesterday since it was one of the most awkward episodes of my life. Seriously. 

The 7th of March I had my break-up with the Catalan capital. And honestly I didn't want to go back. I knew I had to, and it seemed like the wisest decision 3 months ago. (When I came home I totally regretted that decision!)
 (I think) I was supposed to leave at 2 o'clock. And when I say (I think) it's because I actually was able to forget the flight intiary. Normally I'm not a person who arrives late. But the stress totally got me down. And made me forget everything...

This awkward episode lead to another, more awkward episode. Like when they told me that I was actually only having like 10 minutes to reach my plane. And I couldn't really handle this situation on my own so I began to cry. The next thing they told me was that I had to choose between my stuff, and now it was my own problem to get my stuff home from Spain. Suckers. I cried more. I was stressed and sweaty. So what to do? I had to run, but run fast through the security control. With tears and sweat all over me. And people were fast to catch what was going on and they couraged me while shouting: ¡Corre! ¡Corre, guapa! 
I think that day I was the most annoying person in the queue. But I came home. To nothing.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Barcelona September 2013

Plaça Espanya, Barcelona

No big deal. Really. You probably think that I've seen everything in Barcelona and been to everything that's worth a visit. I don't blame you though. But I haven't. So for those two days I'm back in BCN I'm busy. So many plans. Or rather I want to make an experiment: Live BCN in 24 hors. I'm planning a lot of visits on the museums I didn't visit when I lived there, since E is not into that stuff. Sometimes things can be so much easier on your own *sigh*

I'm planning to visit these museums:

Museum d'Història de Catalunya

Museo d'Història de Barcelona

Estudio de Gaudí

And a trip to Primark is totally included!
r met
I'm not planning to stay home at my mother-in-law. Not even to have breakfast or dinner. I'll probably be hanging at Rik foro's with a Pollo a la Brasa or my favorite bar in Sants eating tapas! All on my own...

A great tip if you're going to Barcelona is to purchase you tickets for the metro on-line, it can save you money. And trouble in the metro.

Moving to Peru #1

3 months to go! Let's get prepared to the next adventure. Thinking about the next 3 months can really get me on my nerves. I'm going to do nothing but work and I have to make sure that I'll be having some time off to spend a little time with friends and family. My best friend will be going to the States in July and will be gone for a year. My other "half-Chilean" friend will be going to India for two weeks in November and in December she'll be going to Chile/Peru for two months. 

Besides being working hard, I also have to find all the necessary information and what else I need to know before moving to Peru. I'm considering to cancel my trip to Paris to have more money when I'm in Barcelona and of course Peru. I also have to remember to pick up my documents from the municipal in Denmark where I was born. I'm still looking for a translator in Trujillo (traductor jurado) so I can get these documents translated and hand them over to the municipal of Trujillo. And then comes the wedding planning...

But before leaving I also have to see the doctor to have a vaccination. I'll buy a new camera since my Olympus with 7 MP is now 7 years old. I think it's time to double up the mega pixles to a price that I can afford. And I must update my suitcases too! I have the biggest suitcase I've ever seen and weighs already too much when empty. I'm sorting my cloths to make it fit into two suitacases and a handluggage. 

The first step to reach the adventure...

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

About to get married.

Time is passing and before I know it I'll turn into a Bridezilla. For sure. I'm already having in mind how I want things to be. I know that E, my husband-to-be also has to agree on it. So far we have only agreed on one thing from the beginning: we will say "Sí quiero" in the town hall in Trujillo. And the party will be at home. Even though we want(ed) to keep it simpel, nothing too big, we will end up inviting more guests than we thought. I'm kind of hooked on the idea of having lunch with our closest friends  and family only. And later in the evening we will have dinner and drinks. We are currently looking at the opportunity to have la hora loca at our party, to get things going. As well as the Peruvians are fond of dancing Cumbia. You can hire some people to dress out with folklore costumes, but we can't afford that so we have to improvise a bit. My idea was to mix our nationalities and make fun out of that. For the gentlemen there will be viking helmets (I'm from Denmark) and for the ladies there will be Inca masks (E is Peruvian). For myself I'll buy some sort of an Inca crown and for E I'll buy a special viking helmet. And we're already making our wedding playlist. I'll finish with this song as I hope that it will be a death of a party, and the wedding preparation will continue, indeed...

Los Borgia: La Gente Está Borracha. (People are drunk).

Chan Chan & Huaca del sol y la Luna.

You've probably heard about the Incas. But have you heard about the Moche?

The Moche culture was a civilization flourishing in the northern Peru, more specific in La Libertad-region where Trujillo is situated. Moche or Mochica culture were before the Incas. Close by there is a museum where Moche pottery and art can be seen.
 Last year in October I went to Peru for 1 week with E. Actually I didn't know about the Moche and then I realized: Disney's "The Empereror's New Groove" is totally taken from Chan Chan. I know Kuzco is an Inca but in Chan Chan there's the exact same patterns. Here's an example:

Next time you watch it, look for these patterns.

Me at Huaca del Sol y la Luna with a Peruvian hairless dog.

My new bible.

Well, I'm not religious. At all. Less it's about travel. So I just ordered two books from "Lonely Planet" to learn dos and don'ts in Peru.

The book will definitely be a great help. And the fact that I'm going to spend pretty much all of my time with Peruvians also helps. I hope it will give me more courage to try something new especially when it comes to food. I'm so fuzzy about food they say. But have you ever been eating chicken soup with chicken feet? Or guinea pig? (I know that it's a common dish in South America). Some of it I like and some of it I dislike.
 Besides this book I've also ordered a small phrase-book. Which could sound odd to people who know me since I speak fluently Spanish. But I have to learn more Latin American Spanish because it's so different to the Spanish they speak in Spain. And the politeness I have to get used to their overrated politeness. I'm already practising "Usted" in my head. And I must not forget that they salute with only ONE kiss on the cheek. Unlike in Spain where they kiss twice. It can be terribly intimidating learning new words, speaking a different language and to be kissed by strangers. And dancing Cumbia. The thing is that you look more stupid not trying to dance than actually be trying to do it.

Do you have any experience with "Lonely Planet"? 

domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Barcelona #2

” Allow me to state here how much I love Barcelona , an admirable city, a city full of life, intense, a port open to the past and future ” - Le Corbusier

Barcelona, Spain's second largest city. I cannot think of another European city I love more than Barcelona. The city of architecture, art, culture and history as well as it is modern. Summer is the best time of the year to visit the city of Gaudí. And in matter of fact there is way more to do and to see than just Sagrada Familia, Parc Güell and Casa Batlló. No doubt that Gaudí's architecture dominates the attractions of the city. My opinion is that his arquithecture is special but as an expat it's a bit overrated too. Actually when you expatriate you realize how annoying tourists can be. And everybody knows that Barcelona is filled up with tourists. Catalonia is that region in Spain that earns most money on tourism, which means more than what Madrid does.

When people ask me why I love Barcelona so much and return as often as I can, I say: the atmosphere. I really think that it's unlike anything else in Spain despite the tourism. There is always something to do for everyone. For those who love sports, how many cities can brag about hosting the world's best soccer team?? And for those (I'm one of those) who love history and art, Barcelona is definitely at its best. I used to spend a lot of time walking from Sants-Montjuïc to Barri Gótic. Just to get my churros with chocolate. Or getting lost in the history for a while. The interesting thing about this particular barrio is that despite its name it's not from the Gothic. It's actually from the world exhibition in 1929 and has been restored. But if you want to see the barrio is from the Gothic period it's just beside the Barri Gótic. La Ribera in Ciutat Vella. The older cathedrals of Barcelona is way more interesting than Sagrada Familia. La Catedral de Barcelona and Santa María Pi. 
Have you ever been to Barcelona? And what's your favorite spot in the Catalan capital?

A life in a suitcase.

If you choose to travel often, it's a lifestyle. Somehow I think it's sad to know that my stuff can be in 3 suitcases. And I'm currently trying to make it fit into 2. Tomorrow I'll be heading over to another place to live for the last 3 months in Denmark before my Peruvian adventure begins. So I have to trash a lot of my clothes and other stuff. I don't want it to end like the "El Prat de Llobregat"-incident. Speaking of which, the story of this incident will be on the blog soon enough. 
 Anyway, I'm kind of panicking here because I have no clue of how to make my stuff fit into only 2 suitcases. And I've already filled up one bag to trash...
I have the idea that if I trash more of my stuff I possibly have nothing left at all.
Honestly, I'm not very good at trashing my stuff. But I must recognize that for now my life is in a suitcase. Or two. 


Any advices of how to pack a bag and make a life fit into a suitcas or two would be more than welcomed!

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Barcelona #1

Why go to Spain? One of the questions that makes me feel crazy in a way that makes me unable to answer that question. But for years ago when I first arrived to Gaudí's city, I decided that some day I wanted to live there. Unfortunately it didn't go so well as I'd hoped for. In the other hand it was able to give me the best time of my life, and memories that I'll never forget. People doubted that I would be able to take care of myself. And from time to time it was really hard. So I want to put down in words on my blog how my first moving-abroad-adventure was for me and a guide to Barcelona. What to see, what to do and what to eat. Preparing myself for the next adventure, it's still surreal that I'm (almost) done with Barcelona.

Having too much month at the end of the money.

And it's not even June yet. I kind of feeling stupid today. Not because of the public transit-incident yesterday but this morning when I was checking my bank account, first thought that came to my mind was "I'm booking a flight to Peru today!". As the very impulsive person I am, I did that. Paying the rest of the bills, I was finally realizing that my money will be gone in no time, and I won't be able to save anything up in June. The money will be gone before the end of June. And I have a bill from when I got home my suitcases from Spain. 

Well, I guess the point is that it's now official when my Peruvian adventure will begin. 105 days left. Precisely: 12th of September 2013. From Barcelona to Madrid. From Madrid to Lima. From Lima to Trujillo. 24 hours of travelling. Yay!

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

What happens to Claude when taking public transit.

Rumour has it amongst my dear friends and family that I'll probably be the most dysfunctional GPS ever. My inner GPS is forever broke and dysfunctional. So don't ask me to use a map or help finding way. The fact is that this doesn't only happens to me when I go somewhere for the first time alone but I find it incredibly hard even if I have gone there several times with others. The requirements are: I'm alone and public transit!
And of course it happens when I have to do something of importance. Like going to an interview. Now, I'm still laughing inside myself and wondering how this could ever happen. I'm on my way to somewhere just in the suburban of Copenhagen. Which I didn't knew well. Let me say, at all. I've never been there and today was NO exception. I'm pretty sure that where I was supposed to get off the bus wasn't there at all or might not exist anymore. Though I'm sure that I took the right bus. So you pretty much figured out that I didn't go to the interview. 

Too many people in the bus, the possible impossibility to get off without pushing and offend anyone (which we Danes are best at!)and the non-existent idea of where I was, I thought today I'm not going to any interview. I'm going home. Besides I was wearing too much cloths and the sun accidentially just decided that today it would appear. So eventually I found out where I was, and it was too late to go anywhere but home. So from the bus I took the train and home to get grilled in the sun.

I'm grateful to be just one dysfunctional GPS!

This is probably what my mind is looking like when I'm in public transit and if it could be seen.

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Paris... is always a good idea.

I've always dreamed of seeing the city of Light... Well ever since everybody has been there while I haven't.. yet. I'm leaving Europe in September, so I was thinking: Why not be just a little more crazy and spend money on a weekend trip to Paris with my girls? After all, Paris is always a good idea! And as far as I know pretty expensive. I would normally never even go out in Copenhagen because of the cost. So before going to Barcelona the 10th of September I'll take off to my first visit to France in August. Trying to keep down my expectations. But I'm so excited and to spend a little time with my girls while we're travelling together is fabulous! 
To see famous landmarks with my own eyes, as long is not going to be like my trip to Rome. I expected a bit too much on that trip I guess. But seriuosly, I can't wait to eat croissants and fondue au fromage and wash it down with champagne. 

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

A Hispanic Adventure.

Last summer I started my Spanish adventure in Barcelona. To be more precisely in Sants-Montjuïc, in a small appartment on third floor. It has been the most crappy place I've ever lived. It was allright in the summer, but really cold in the winter. And surrounded by the most crazy neighbours ever. Such as the "ambulance" on second floor, the crazy man who always had to turn up the volume even at 7 o'clock in the morning so everyone could hear the news or his music. And the couple with the kids who always were crying. And the blind lady on 5th floor, which were prepared to hit you with her stick if you came too close.

Ilustration from Barcelona dibujos y más.

Perhaps I should rather call it my "hispanic adventure" since I lived with Peruvians. Which means I didn't really catch that much of the Spanish culture. But some of it I did catch, and to be honest I see huge differences between Barcelona (Catalonia) and other parts of Spain. The only time I went out of Barcelona was o when E and I went to Salou in Tarragona with some friends. Well, not true. E and I did travel to Peru once... for a week. The most terrible week. Ever. A piece of advice would be: don't take on a 21 hours flight just to go somewhere for only a week. 

It was the worse travel of my life, besides my airport incident in Barcelona when going back to Denmark.

Now I bought my flight ticket to Barcelona where I'll be staying a few days before going to Lima. I'm also planning a big city adventure, but for now: My Peruvian adventure awaits me, because, Claude Goes To Perú!