martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Dating a Peruvian #2

Oh, so you thought that I was done with Dating a Peruvian? Hopefully I will never end dating E. And if I do so it will be because we can be called husband and wife. I'm not sure whether or not marriage counts as dating.
The biggest ”latino-issue” of all time is the mamá's boy-syndrome. This issue has been causing me a lot of trouble, but in the moment it's not that bad.

The next biggest issue is their way of mocking other people. Well matter in fact that it's a more general issue. Though I find it not very surprising that the women are those with the biggest trust issues and their chisme makes you depressed. ¡No me aguanto!
But luckily I'm with E. And I wouldn't change that. In other words I find it akward as half-Chilean to date a Peruvian. But E … is just special.


Dating a Peruvian #1

I remember that when I was younger I always said that I never wanted to get married neither have those little creatures, called children. And thinking about that statement seems like pure stupidity now since I'm with E. I never thought that I would be with a Latino because of my Chilean father. But after my dear prima told me that she used to say that she didn't want to be married to a Chilean. She is now married to a Chilean and has 3 children, I realize the meaning of never say never. (Without sounding like a Justin Bieber song).
Anyway, my life basically changed when I met E. And this post should rather be called: ”Internet”-dating a Peruvian. In matter of fact even if it sounds really crazy but being an Internet couple for a year really worked for us. And there has never been any akward moments between E and I when we met in real life, as it tends to happen. Besides I would love to put down in words how it really is to be dating a Peruvian. Since dating a Latino can be challenging for an European young woman.

#1. Machistas. Well, I think I've found one of the few who isn't machista. I'm not a feminist AT ALL. But both shall be treated equally.

#2. Language. No offense, but Hispanics (outside the States) are not good at speaking English. This can be a problem in the communication when the families are going to meet, at the same time very entertaining!

#3. Making new friends. Seriuously, señores I think this is a huge issue. Just because a girl has a friend who is a guy doesn't mean that she is going to leave you. This issue is more an issue of trust. And sometimes it is possible that a girl and a guy can remain friends. Have you ever seen MTV's Friendzone? But then again... this is if you are thinking like an European.

#4. Drinking. Not to say that this is an issue of E, but Latinos drink a lot of beer. The Europeans about Latinos: the men drink beer, watching soccer and reading the paper y nada más. I've never seen before people who fill up the refrigerator with beers only and the morning after you see only 2 beers. (To be honest I don't like the most of E's friends in Peru. Because I know when they're together they will be drinking...too much.) I'm not sure if this is just my own issue of people who drinks.

#5. Well. I must admit that I have got myself a latinlover. Haha. But serious. There is something about that word that is true. Though the word really makes my think of the 90s hit Latinlover by Loona.
2 months left! I'm overloaded with excitement!

Those days of graduation...

It's summer, or not if you consider the weather, only in the calendar. I can't believe that for a year ago I graduated high school and I enjoyed the time where I was walking around with my hat and feeling like someone. That time is sadly over. It goes so fast. Well, too fast in my opinion.
This year is no exception. Recently graduated young Danes everywhere. Hats with red and blue stripes. And I can't help feeling such a nostalgia. Really. And they are so drunk that they seem to be the most stupid people like ever. And so annoying. In Denmark we have this tradition where one of the days after the last examn, where we recieve our hat, the precious hat! Alle the classmates are going on this special and most drunk trip in a wagon. With the music so loud that it should be illegal. But it's a great celebration after 2-3 years in high school.

These days, I'm filled up with nostalgia.

¡Esto es una locura!

The most exciting point in my life right now, is to be honestly * read: embarrassed *, my job. I think I've always been blind when it comes to numbers. I never really understood maths in school. In high school I didn't pass the examn. So with these words you can without problems assume that I hated maths and I'm not good at it. Not only is it challenging but it's really giving me problems. With the fear of getting fired or something... and I also experienced clients making fun of me counting the amount of money. I'm so embarrassed about my issue and I have the constant fear of getting fired because I know that it's totally logical that you have to be good at math to work in a shop. But that is not my case. So * sorry my language * fucking it up everyday at work when ending my shift, I'm starting getting a little worried.

But everyday I meet the most fucked up clients. Really. The other day a man came in, I just need to say that all week in the afternoons I've been alone in the shop. The queue of clients were about to reach the entrance to the shop. Then this crazy dude tells me that there is water in the gas *I'm working at a gas station * And I'm like una monja en una disco and I didn't know what to say. The feeling of being pissed of the way he actually talked to me was starting to be clear. So I called my boss and asked what to do. The man claimed that he wanted to have back his money for the gas he bought. But how come? He just came from the streets, walking. The idiot didn't have a car!(Or at least he was stupid enough not to bring it) So since he was full of **** I assume he wanted the money.

Anyway, the day after a man came to rent a trailer. And he delivered later than he should, which means that the client had to pay a little extra, and insignificant amount of money. But the man didn't want to pay, so he has been complaining about me and one of the bosses. I feel bad about it though I did the right thing. As a cashier I must provide a good customer service but when the clients are rude I don't feel like helping them at all.

Oh, and who should have thought that I was going to use my Spanish in Denmark? Certainly not me.

What did just happen there.


Realizing that my time in Denmark is coming to an end, the less sad I am. Even for me this sounds mean. But somehow I'm also evaluating the las 4 months. I must say that these 4 months I have been spending all on my own has been very hard. Not because I'm not able to take care of myself. But the loneliness is a killer. I'm not doing anything but work 40 hours a week, sleep, eat when I have money and time for it and read.

For a couple of days ago I was texting with my sister, V. And I honestly told her that I was angry that they hadn't been there for me when I actually needed it the most. Which kind of makes me feel more relieved since I'm about to leave. And as I said to my friends and family I won't be coming back at all. And as usual they ask: ”what if you and E will split up”? Well, in a relationship you always have to be taking chances if you are serious about it. And to be honest, if we had split up, we would have done it a long time ago. The past 2 years of my life I've spent talking with E each day. Since we had all the odds against us I think we have are doing fine. I get it, people don't understand how we can manage having a relationship like that. But suddenly things are getting complicated when you're dating a foreigner.

Somehow I feel that the price of trying to find happiness and my adventure in Barcelona has been very high. Either I think I would have been changing my mind at all. I've lost people in my life, only few have been there during all the time. And I just want to say thanks to these people, though they never understood my desire for living abroad. It also hurts to know that soon I'll be leaving my own family behind to start a new life with E. But I'm so thrilled when thinking about all the adventures I will have in Peru with him. I'm sick of boredom and routine.

Life is worth living.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

los días del verano.

I was hoping for a nicer and warmer weather here in Denmark. But as usual it's raining. For every year, less summer. Anyway, this summer I will do nothing but work. I'm currently living in a room with... hold on. Without TV, Internet, kitchen. And a smell of 20 years of smoking.

And there are only 72 days left... Wuhuu!

Oh, and don't forget to follow Claude on Bloglovin'!