jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

happy halloween.

I've never really been celebrating Halloween which has something to do with that I'm not from the States. Living in Peru is no excuse. For both E and I it has been a busy week. We've finally bought the floor for the kitchen and we're going to buy our new refrigerator. Also Wednesday night we became officially engaged. Now, tomorrow is puente which means weekend trip to Cajamarca! 

After almost two months since I stepped off the plane in Trujillo, and I couldn't be more happy. Also this week has been a week of "the good deeds". The other day E and I went to the cemetery to visit his dad. The reality of life hits, when kids have to work at the cemetery, so I gave the two kids a sol each. Tuesday at lunchtime E and I went to our casera to eat our 5 soles menu, when a man came out asking for a meal. Normally people would ask for money, but this man asked directly for a meal. So E and I spent 5 soles to do something good for him.

Happy Halloween!

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