sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

2 years.

In 2011 a funny love story started on the Internet. To be more specific, E actually sent me a message from Amistarium.com (I think it was, and was totally hidden in my 1000 other mails, and I had forgotten all about it.) I don't think that I had read E's message through, because then he added me on Facebook.
When we started our relationship I was such a pessimist. I thought that it would only last for like a month. And surprisingly he said that he would come and visit me in Denmark. I was thinking "they all say that". But he actually came to Denmark after 3 months. And my friends asked me if it wasn't awkward our first meeting. But honestly, it wasn't. Anyway, after I graduated high school in June last year, I decided to go to Spain to be with E. I don't think that many would do that. Nor many would have a relationship like ours. Also, many people think that it's stupidity to have found someone on the Internet. Mostly it is, but I guess I was lucky enough to find my mr. Right.

So our life in Barcelona was amazing besides living with his mother. And now 2 years have gone so fast. We're are sure that we will be together. So we will say "sí quiero" in January 2014 in Trujillo!

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