The most exciting point in my
life right now, is to be honestly * read:
embarrassed *, my job. I think I've always been blind when it comes
to numbers. I never really understood maths in school. In high school
I didn't pass the examn. So with these words you can without problems
assume that I hated maths and I'm not good at it. Not only is it
challenging but it's really giving me problems. With the fear of
getting fired or something... and I also experienced clients making
fun of me counting the amount of money. I'm so embarrassed about my
issue and I have the constant fear of getting fired because I know
that it's totally logical that you have to be good at math to work in
a shop. But that is not my case. So * sorry my language * fucking it
up everyday at work when ending my shift, I'm starting getting a
little worried.
But everyday I
meet the most fucked up clients. Really. The other day a man came in,
I just need to say that all week in the afternoons I've been alone in
the shop. The queue of clients were about to reach the entrance to
the shop. Then this crazy dude tells me that there is water in the
gas *I'm working at a gas station * And I'm like una
monja en una disco and I didn't know
what to say. The feeling of being pissed of the way he actually
talked to me was starting to be clear. So I called my boss and asked
what to do. The man claimed that he wanted to have back his money for
the gas he bought. But how come? He just came from the streets,
walking. The idiot didn't have a car!(Or at least he was stupid
enough not to bring it) So since he was full of **** I assume he
wanted the money.
Anyway, the day after a man came
to rent a trailer. And he delivered later than he should, which means
that the client had to pay a little extra, and insignificant amount
of money. But the man didn't want to pay, so he has been complaining
about me and one of the bosses. I feel bad about it though I did the
right thing. As a cashier I must provide a good customer service but
when the clients are rude I don't feel like helping them at all.
Oh, and who should have thought
that I was going to use my Spanish in Denmark? Certainly not me.
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